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What you told us and what we’ve done

On this board we have listed the key priorities and concerns we heard from you in July 2023.

Find answers to these questions and where to find further information about the work we’ve been doing on these issues below.

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Access and movement

A key concern we heard was around how the access to the site would work, especially on Pyotts Hill. See the Movement and access page for information on the work we’ve been doing.

We also heard your concerns about traffic, especially on the A33, and how walking and cycling could be promoted to reduce future residents’ reliance on cars. These topics are also covered on the Movement and access page.

Odour and air quality

We heard a number of concerns about the proximity of the Waste Water Treatment Works to the site and potential odour issues for future residents.

We continue to work with the local authority and Thames Water (who run the Waste Water Treatment Works) on this issue.

We have respected Thames Water’s requirements to locate development outside a buffer for the treatment works.

Health services

We heard your concerns about GP provision in the area. We recently met with the NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) for Hampshire and Isle of Wight who plan primary care services. The development will make Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments that can contribute towards improving health facilities. We continue to talk with the ICB about ways that our site and others can help support improved health provision locally.

Design and landscape

We heard that landscape and building design were important to you. This includes providing good facilities like play and community space and creating a new neighbourhood that is attractive and works for those that will live in it. We’ve developed our work on the landscape and character of the development and you can see more on boards 4 and 5.

Climate changes

We are expecting Future Homes and Buildings Standards to be in place nationally by 2025. These standards will ensure that new homes built from 2025 onwards use 75-80% less carbon and are ready to be net zero. Our environmental assessment will cover biodiversity, flooding and transport as key topics.

New development is now required to deliver a 10% biodiversity net gain, which will help protect and enhance nature on the site.


We heard your concern about the capacity of local primary and secondary schools. Our proposals include a reserved site for a primary school that will serve both our site and others nearby.

We are in discussion with the education authority about secondary school places in north-east Basingstoke. Initial feedback suggests that local secondary schools have the capacity to be expanded in response to an ongoing shortfall in places.

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