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Have your say on plans for Land East of Basingstoke

Have your say on plans for Land East of Basingstoke

What is proposed?

Hampshire County Council are continuing to develop design ideas for the Land East of Basingstoke, which has an allocation for housing, a local centre and primary school in the Local Plan.

The emerging plans for the site have been developed since we talked with you last summer and we want to hear what you think of them.

Site location

Aerial photo showing the site location

Aerial photo showing the site location - click to enlarge

We are holding two drop-in events:

3:00pm - 6:00pm
on Wednesday 21st February 2024
at Chineham Library, Chineham
Shopping, Basingstoke RG24 8BQ

10:00am - 1:00pm
on Saturday 24th February 2024 in
the Pavilion Tea Room, Old Basing
Cricket Clubhouse, Riley Ln, Old
Basing, Basingstoke RG24 7DA

About this consultation

We are holding two public drop-in sessions on 21st and 24th February (details above).

We will have further information about the project available at these drop-in sessions, and members of the project team will be available to hear your thoughts and answer questions.

The same information shown at the drop-in events is available to view on this website on the About the proposals page and the same questions are also asked on our feedback and questions page. We appreciate you taking the time to answer our questions and give us feedback.

Land East of Basingstoke – project update September 2023

The project team has submitted a request for an EIA Scoping Opinion to Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council (BDBC) as the local planning authority. The submission comprises a scoping report and covering letter. The scoping report is a technical document, seeking feedback from BDBC and other consultees on the topics to be addressed in an Environmental Statement for the project, for example transport, ecology, water and landscape.

The request is a requirement under planning regulations and the documents are available publicly on BDBC’s website: 23/02280/ENS | Request for a Scoping opinion for up to 900 dwellings with associated community centre, shops, primary school nursery provision, allotments, neighbourhood park, public open space and gypsy and traveller provision | Land East Of Basingstoke Whitmarsh Lane Chineham Hampshire.

BDBC have a five-week consultation period, before responding in writing, although they may ask for an extension of time. The final Environmental Statement will be submitted alongside the planning application for the land.

Project timeline

Initial consultation on early design work

Summer 2023

Next stage consultation on developed design proposals

Winter 2023/24

Planning application submission for the site

Summer 2024

Find out more and have your say: