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Landscape and open space

This page focuses on landscape and open space. We’ve been thinking about potential play areas and access to open space, with our draft landscape and open space parameter plan setting out our thinking about where these different types of open space and play could be broadly fixed in the planning application.

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Key principles

East to west green corridors

A number of east-west green corridors will also create key pedestrian and cycle links across the site, connecting to north-south links and surrounding areas.

5 min walk from open space

All homes will be less than five minutes walk from green space.

Features you particularly wanted to hear about:

Open space

New open space across the development will deliver a range of opportunities, from the neighbourhood park to play and kickabout spaces, allotments, green corridors for movement and natural, wilder elements - so that the neighbourhood provides access to nature for people and enhances wildlife habitats.

A new neighbourhood park

Located along the western boundary of the site, near the primary school, and a short walk from the neighbourhood centre, this park will be an open area with great views, providing places to play, sit, relax and socialise as well as being attractive route north-south in the new neighbourhood.


The new neighbourhood will be designed with a varied landscape to reflect and enhance what is onsite. Green corridors running east-west, a tree-lined primary street, a large linear park along the western edge of the site (by the park pale) and other features will help create a green and memorable character.

Play spaces

Play spaces in both the northern area of the site (north of Whitmarsh Lane) and in the central open space will mean all new homes are within a few minutes walk of play areas.

Sketch view of wetland park boundary

This illustrative view is looking south towards the development as you approach from the main access in the north. It shows the wetland park on the left hand side and the tree-lined spine route on the right.

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