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Welcome to our second exhibition about proposals for 900 homes, a primary school, local centre, neighbourhood park and community facilities at Land East of Basingstoke. We last saw you in July 2023 and have been refining and developing our proposals in the months since, considering key issues you have raised. This is a good time to get further comment on the proposals and to talk with the local community and service providers.

Since July, the team have been bringing together all the surveys and site investigations that have been undertaken, updating those that need it and commissioning new work where there are gaps to better understand the site. Design work so far has been testing how the new housing, access routes, local facilities and infrastructure should be arranged on site.

How does this relate to the Local Plan?

The site is within the settlement boundary and already allocated for 450 homes and community infrastructure in the Basingstoke and Deane local plan, adopted in 2016. Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council is currently consulting on a Local Plan Update for the whole borough, including plans to increase the amount of housing at Land East of Basingstoke to 900 homes with supporting infrastructure.

The details of this separate local plan consultation can be found on the Local Plan update page at https://www.

How can I comment on this consultation?

Please leave comments with your views and feedback on survey page.

Please send us any further feedback by 18th March 2024.

What is happening next?

After hearing from you today, and alongside other feedback and through the project website, we will further develop the proposals for the site. We will carefully consider all feedback received.

HCC are intending to submit a planning application in summer 2024.

Site location plan

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